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[专稿] 廷泰个人画展——西方人画红楼梦
亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2008-10-22 15:03:47  | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址

风月宝鉴 2008 帆布面混合颜料 130x97cm


  展览地点:西班牙画廊 Art in Capitals



  联系电话:6280 7103


  西班牙画家廷泰(Juan Antonio Tinte)擅长用作品唤起过去的日子。作品的主要题材是古典时代的建筑、纺织品和依旋律舞动的女人。他的绘画中常带有中世纪的影子,比如金箔的运用。



太虚幻境 2008 帆布面混合颜料 100x80cm

  Tinte Solo Exhibition:

  A Dream of Red Chamber Illustrated by Spanish artist

  Tinte evokes the past in most of his representations. The medieval architectures, textiles and women of melodic movements are the main themes of his work. The technique of the medieval period such as the cut gold, a media typical of this time, can be seen often in his art work.

  Tinte has long been fascinated by the Eastern culture. Once he read "A Dream of Red Chamber" by chance and became mesmerized by the embellished story-telling and the complicity of the characters and their relationships. Tinte was profoundly moved by how each character's inner world is revealed to the reader by subtle descriptions and insightful observations. As one of the most prestigious novel in the Chinese literature history, this epic story has been analyzed and commented by numerous scholars. Tinte is just not any reader, as an artist from Spain; he created a series of paintings to illustrate his own understanding and interpretation of the story. A story can be recounted in different ways. Tinte's illustration of the story has not only created a new and distinctive layer to its original literary creation originated from his own Spanish cultural heritage, he has also successfully captured the subtle essence of the East to its spectators.

  Tinte, as an erudite storyteller, as well as an art critic, University professor and not to mention an awarded and recognized artist, has eliminated the barrier of time and space, combining with his own life experience, telling eastern and western stories and leading us to a journey around contemporary art. This exhibition allows us to observe the confluence of eastern and western civilizations and the development of contemporary art to the greatest extent.

醉卧芍药茵 2008 帆布面混合颜料 100×80cm

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