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[专稿] 今日美术馆2月yabo88备用

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2009-01-10 11:26:59 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址





  From Material to Life

  Duration: 14th – 20th February

  Venue: 1st floor exhibition hall of Building 1

  Chung has mainly focused on the human body. Although most contemporary artists have experimented by making various attempts to express facial features, he has constantly explored the significance of art form through the human body. He discovers power from fortuity in the course of creation and in the physical substantiality of the pieces, such as freshness discovered in the trivial, power of life exuded from the raw, unpredictable images, abruptness and primitive violence, etc. For him, rubbish represents the remnants of civilization, such as railroad ties, unprocessed stones and things that are distant from the traditional materials of sculpture. In his work, he brings out the importance of materials by saying that he ‘plays with the materials, rather than fighting against them', using the properties of the materials as much as possible. He brings out the inside reality of a human through simplifying the form of the human body and giving the material special significance.


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· [专稿] 陈丹青、马可鲁、冯良鸿画展
· [专稿] 水色:当代水墨艺术展
· [专稿]对画空间:画中有话 开幕现场
· [专稿] 怔——张林海作品展
· [专稿] 艾敬——ALL ABOUT LOVE

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