泛亚洲视点 —关于张可欣的新艺术

时间:2009-02-13 17:10:34 | 来源:亚博备用网址

  泛亚洲视点 —关于张可欣的新艺术

  黄 笃









  A Pan-Asian Perspective – the New Art of Zhang KeXin

  Zhang KeXin is a Chinese artist who has lived abroad for many years. His nomadic lifestyle has molded his spirit and his will, making it possible for him to face this ever changing and more complicated world without sacrificing his individual artistic style – all the while maintaining his focus and demeanor thus allowing him to perfect his distinct manner of creation.

  Zhang KeXin’s art speaks a language of Neo-Pop Art – a language with no fixed grammar – a language that is non-deterministic, both expansive and chaotic – a language that blurs the distinctions between high and low class, mixing the vocabulary of commerce, fashion, and advertising – a language which at times deconstructs traditional Chinese cultural constructs. Were we to say that classical Pop Art possesses a steady system of language, then we would say also that Neo-Pop Art possesses a language which is a mixture – this mixture being displayed in Zhang KeXin’s works. Whether in his installations or his paintings - the inner logic of his artistic language is evident. His Neo-Pop Art mixes the aberrant and vulgar together with the styles of classical Pop Art – bringing the culturally unorthodox into the art world. Thus his art exhibits what classical Pop Art does not – a unique experience and style – a style full of “Pan Asian” images and languages – and constituting the remarkable characters of his “Pan Asian Neo Pop Art”. This unique viewpoint has developed over time as his experience as a cultural nomad has broadened. His nomadic artistic style is diametrically opposed to an orthodox style of mainline art. His style is in a constant state of dissociation – with no borders, no controls, and no limitations. There is nothing fixed and certain in his work – which is precisely the character of nomadic art – at times destructive and subversive – yet displaying the tractability and adaptability of art.

  It is precisely his nomadic experience that gives Zhang KeXin the ability to audaciously utilize

  colors and images in his esthetic and technique – an ability to survey, analyze and display the chaos and instability inside the movements of the new Asia - from a “Pan Asian” point of view. He is able then to firmly seize the cultural tokens of Asia, which are simultaneously turbulent, anxious, uneasy and full of desire. Although developing each work from different visual resources in microcosm, Zhang KeXin’s works exhibit a structure rooted in ancient China - Chinese Construction Rules - yet this tradition is deconstructed by the artist. Stated differently, he takes different traditional elements, then filters, compresses, and molds them into an amalgam, creating his own new visual language. This unique visual language not only vividly recreates a general sense of worth - the subrogation of old and new concepts, the friction between tradition and modernity, the grapple between what’s human and brutal, but it also deeply resolves the mixed modernity in the new Asia - hybridization, chaos, totalitarianism, non-determinacy, modernization, tradition, religion, old and new fashion - the social fabric of our time.

  The sanctity of an artist lies in his ability to air his points of view on a grander stage. This ability is grounded in the artist’s capacity to incisively penetrate the changes in a new complicated reality and then reasonably analyze these changes. We are able to sense in his works the thinking done and analysis made by Zhang KeXin of many modern social and cultural issues. We are able to perceive his manner of questioning and criticizing a profane world with one language – a language both mundane and deconstructing.

  Huang Du

  Monday 2nd,February,2009, Beijing

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