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[专稿] 浮图——翟宗浩作品展
亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2008-12-15 16:38:04  | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址
Mountain Series 山之系列 #33 , 2008, acrylic on canvas, 20.3 x 116.8cm








  翟宗浩 对西方艺术支配世界艺坛的霸道行为感到深深不愤;刻意发展属于东方艺术特质的“东西”成为了他于近十多年来梦寐以求及努力不懈的工作,他竭力把东方艺术的精要展现在他的作品之中。“浮图”展览内的作品便是他近年间的心路历程。

  烟、霞、云、雾、秃峰、翠谷、清溪、瀑布,若隐若现,这一幅幅的浮图,全为一个出发点而描绘:在当下全面西化的时空中,展现国萃(或再扩大一点定位为东方)艺术最优秀的一面。翟宗浩 用油彩细腻地在画布上半抽象地重现北宋崇山峻岭,大山细水的气慨。

  翟宗浩 早年成名,他八十年代毕业于香港中文大学艺术系,一连串的成功展览令他雄心万丈;随后负笈美国,在不同大学进修,取得双硕士学位,而与此同时,因为身处美国,让他能更深入体会到纽约艺术圈子中“后现代艺术”的唯利主义咀脸。在失望之余,他停下一切参展的机会与意图,深思反醒,切望自己能为东方艺术发挥一股可破框而出的动力。

  在离开香港廿多年及停下个展十多年后,翟宗浩 的这次个展可以说是他的“出关”之作。

  有关展览详情或安排艺术家专访,可电邮或致电 2522.1138向Dominic Chan 或2526.0818向Josephine Hau 查询。


  画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息。



  FLOATING WORLD - Paintings by Chak

  9th – 31stJanuary, 2009

  Art Beatus Gallery

  35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong

  The artist will attend the opening reception

  On 9th January, 2009 (Friday), 6pm – 8pm

  Chak's Statement

  All the air, mountains, waves, fog and clouds that viewers see in my works can be considered as the pride of being Chinese in an age of complete Westernization.

  After a few successful exposures in my career, which included shows in Clock Tower (PS1), IT-Park and an invitation to the space of Taipei Museum, I abruptly refrained from exhibiting after 1995. That may have much to do with my tormented and rebellious character. Now a decade passed. When I look back, it has become clear that the ordeal was in fact my action against reaction.

  In the 80s I was protected within the environs of various universities. The art scene in New York, which can be termed as my “after-school” program, on the contrary was under strong influence of Post Modernism. Art and artists carried price tags rambling around SoHo. Everything became merchandise overnight. As a newcomer, I did not enjoy what I saw. Art has been my lifelong passion. As I could not change the world, personal adjustments were made. To start with, I quit participating in exhibits. Yet I have never stopped thinking, understanding, analyzing, dreaming and most of all creating art.

  I am always interested in the Neo-Marxist's view on colonialism. Western culture has not only changed the way Asians dress, the food we eat, the language we speak; it has also altered how we perceive. In short, there is no such thing as "West meets East" but "West eats East." In the realm of visual art, this very trend has undercut the growth and continuity of Chinese painting.

  In 1995 I surrendered with my ego bruised. Being an Asian as well as a painter, I was both confused and lost. To my understanding, an intellectual is someone who thinks independently. By the same token, an artist needs to be one who can express his own views through art. I have great doubts in following the Caucasian mode and calling the outcome contemporary Chinese art. Such thought forced me to study what Asia possessed that is of equal importance. I ended up with trees and hills (very much "Old School Chinese"). The subjects may seem traditional, but I can assure you that they are up-to-date modern. Asians long for peace (of mind), while western culture revolves upon experience and excitement. Such views are directly reflected in art. We see mists and streams as tranquility; that very subject (nature) may look mundane in some foreign eyes.

  I am immersed in harmony when I paint. The process (of creating) is my holy shrine and the canvas a breath of fresh air. The finished art provides a slim window to escape. It frees us from the mortal trivial. It is a means and the end is the visual, which enacts eternity.

  Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area).

  For further information about this exhibition or interview with the artist, you can either e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.

  Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holiday


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